Sunday, March 1, 2009


My friend Jessi had this on her blog and I just had to copy it. It is exactly what I have been feeling guilty about lately, but it made me realize that I'm just doing the best that "I" know how.
I love being a's especially hard being a working mom. I need to remember to not make myself feel guilty for not being able to find time. There isn't always time for everyone else because I'm just tryin to soak in as much of this stage that my daughter is in right now. I'm not judging anyone else who I haven't been able to spend time with because they are just enjoyin their kids too! But, I do have a goal this year to be a better friend, and at least try to see my friends and family more and make a phone call at the minimum.
(click on article to view it in larger form)


Anonymous said...


Miller's said...

Oh Jaim, you are a great friend! I know how you feel, I feel that way all the time. You just do your best and your true friends understand.

Tami said...

So I would love to show you sometime how I do my couponing. You tell me what works for you. I can come over and show you or you can come over and we can do it here. Or, I can show you before or after church or one of the activites. The only thing is that we need to have the internet wherever we are. I'm not the best at it, but I'd love to show you what I do. I got a great deal yesterday! WAHOO! Anyway, let me know.

hoLLY said...

I totally know what ya mean!!! I agree! well said.

Tami said...

I work at Lakeview Elementary in Roy. I have friends that teach at Farr West! That's a great area to live!

Meg said...

Hi Jaime- Great article...couldnt agree more! So I had my baby (you say me at 40wks!), and she is a chubby bundle of fun like cute! Hope you are doing well. Your little girl is adorable! I love your blog - good job.
Megan W W (Katie's Sis)