Saturday, April 25, 2009

Whats New...

6 Month Pictures

Our little ballerina princess

She looks just like her aunt Tara in the picture above.
This is her "I'm so mad" face!

6 months old
Halia turned 6 months old on March 25. I can hardly believe how time has seriously flown. She is already half a year old! This months mark was the hardest for me I think. From now on she is becoming more and more a little girl instead of a baby. Its such bitter sweet feelings. She got really sick so we ended postponing her well child check up until she was 6 1/2 months old. Her stats for this month are:
Weight: 18.5lbs 90th%
Height: 28in 97th%
Head: 75th%
As you can see she is growing up way to fast!
I took this picture on the day she turned 6months. She always makes this silly face. I think she looks especially Chinese with her hat on. She gets that from her Gram.
It seems as if as soon as she turned 6 months she discovered so many new things. She started to sit on her own when she was around 5 months. She loves to sing, as some of you might have noticed if you go to the same church as us. She loves to eat anything, and I mean anything! Her favorite thing to do with mom is to go for stroller rides around North Ogden. Halia has started to become more and more of a demanding diva. She needs attention all day. This may be because when her Grandparents watch her she gets nothing but attention. She is either being read to, sang to, entertained by the ukulele, or receiving hula lessons by Gram. If any of you have attempted to pick her up to hold her, you might have noticed how fast she kicks her legs as if she could run out of your arms. This girl has way too much energy for such a little body. I fear the days of her crawling are coming way too early. Pray for me!

Happy Easter!
Easter was so fun with Halia. She of course has no idea what is going on but its fun for us. My mom and I started sewing dresses for Halia when she was still in my belly. Well, I finally finished mine and decided it was perfect for an Easter dress! I made her a matching bow and she looked adorable. I was so proud of my self!
We gave Halia an Easter basket of course. We just got a bunch of random dollar things at the store. It was fun. She loved her bunny ears and baby chick pj's. To dress up her $1 Easter basket, I put her tutu that she wore when she was a newborn around it. It turned out pretty cute!
We had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter dinner. Halia loves playing with her cousins. Charlee and Addy had a lot of fun finding all of Halia's share of Easter eggs.

Las Vegas March 2009- Sale's Dad's 1 year memorial

We went on our first road trip with Halia to be with Sale's family for his 1yr. memorial service. Sale's Mom, little bro., Sale, Me and Halia, left forVegas in the middle of the night so Halia would sleep the whole way. She did great! It was pretty rough on Sale and I trying to stay awake so, we took turns reading Stephanie Myers Eclipse out loud to each other. Sale has already read the whole series but, I'm a little behind. It definitely helped me stay awake! Thanks honey! The grave stone turned out nice. This was the first time we got to see it.One of Sale's sisters made all of us red lava lavas to wear. They had the picture of Mike Fonoti on them. It was neat to see everyone all dressed the same. Halia even had one! :)Sale and his bro. Jr. A.K.A. StakAll the boysAfter the service we all went to eat at the China buffet. My sister in laws Stella and Olive were fighting over who got to hold Halia while we ate
Afterwards the party of course continued at Jr. house with a lot of music, dancing, and eating of course.
Halia and her uncle Jr. This was the first time she got to meet him.

It was so great to see all the fam together. We had a great time. Unfortunately Halia was not acting like herself, and us being new parents were worried. She wasn't eating very well and she was acting very fussy. We ended up leaving that same night. We basically were there for only a day. We thought it would be best to get her home and let her sleep through the drive again. We were bummed because we had made plans to meet up with a few different friends that had moved to Vegas and we ended up not seeing any of them. We soon realized how being a parent will change any plans you have in an instant when it comes to taking care of your baby. We still had a good time even though it seemed as if we drove for 2 days straight. Halia started to feel better the next day and everyone was back to normal again.


Anonymous said...

She's so stinkin' cute! How do you handle it?

The DeGiulio's said...

Her 6 month pictures turned out so cute! I love the tutu and pearl necklaces, she definitely looks like a ballerina princess. I still cant believe you made that dress and matching headband, you are amazing.

hoLLY said...

her 6 month pics are so cute! i cant believe how chuncky she is getting! I love her easter dress and her little chic PJs !!!!

Michelle said...

What a cutie! I can't believe she's already 6 months old! It's sad how fast the time flies by but they just get funner and funner :)! That's neat that you were able to go see Sale's Dad's tombstone. I'm glad little Halia is feeling better and I hope it stays that way!

Matt and Lindsay said...

LOVE THIS KID!!! She is so stinkin' sute!!! Also I would love to invite you to our blog, but I dont have your email!!! Could you send it to mine at

Rustin & Ashley Miller said...

Oh my gosh she is so cute. I love the pictures of her.

Reeder family said...

she's to cute and such an adorable personality. fun times for you guys. I think 6 months would be had as well. good thing we love them no matter what and enjoy every stage of their lives.

Steph said...

What a doll!! It is so crazy how they get big so fast huh? I totally agree with you about how it is bittersweet.. Keep the pictures coming!! :)

TrishHavili said...

Holy cow James, she's drop dead out now. She's so chunky, I love it. So glad I can keep up with you guys now. Congrats on your house, I know I'm late, and your blog is so cute!

Sharstin said...

she is darling! can't believe she is 6 months

Miller's said...

Those pics are amazing, who took them for you? I need to get Becks done so I will have to get the info from you. I can't believe how big she is getting, she is so freakin cute! We need to get together soon.

Anonymous said...